Thursday, March 29, 2007

single image narrative

visual bibliography (first thoughts)

Lascaux, Room of Bulls 20,000 BC

Vase form Uruk, c.3500-3000BC. Alabaster, 36 ins high. Iraq Museum, Baghdad

Palette of Narmer, from Hierakonpolis, c.3200 BC, Slate 25ins Egyptian Museum Cairo

Detail of Harvester vase, from Ayia Triadha, c. 1500BC Steatite, about 5ins wide. Heraklleion Museum Crete

Assyrian army besieging a fortress. Alabaster relief from the Palace of King Asurnasirpal II. About 850 BC. London, British Museum

Lion released and killed, from Nineveh, c.650BC Limestone, about 27ins high, British Museum, London

Ulysses recognised by his old nurse. From a red figured vase, 5th century BC, Chiusi, Etruscan Museum

Greek sculptor’s workshop. Left: The bronze foundry with sketches on the wall. Right: Man at work on a headless statue, the head lying on the ground. From a Greek bowl. About 480 BC. Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Antikenmuseum


The lower part of Trajan’s Column, Rome. Dedicated AD 114.

A reception. Detail of a relief from the tomb of Wu-liang-tse in the province of Shantung (China) about AD 150

Gautama (Buddha) leaving his home. Relief found in Gandhara (northern India), about second century AD. Calcutta, Indian Museum

Duck Shooting and rice reaping, 2nd century AD. Rubbing of tomb tile, 16.5 ins high (from R.C Rudolph, Han Tomb Art of West China, 1951

Synagogue from Dura Europos, view of north-west corner, c.AD 250. National Museum, Damascus

Holy Women at the Tomb, c. AD 400 Ivory, 37x13.5cm. Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Priestess performing pagan rites, cAD 400. Ivory 29.5x12cm . V&A London.

Israelites threatening revolt and The stoning of Moses, AD 432-440. Mosaic in the nave of S Maria Maggiore, Rome

Floor painting from Qasr al- Hayr al Gharbi, Syria, c 730 fresco, National Museum, Damascus

Emperors hunting, late 8th or 9th century AD. SIlk compound twill. Staatliche Museen, Berlin

Scenes from the Life of St. Ambrose, c 850 AD . Silver partly gilt, whole panel 85x220cm. Sant’Ambrogio, Milan

Scene from the legend of the Buddha, Borobudur, early 9th century.

The Crucifixion and Resurrection of the Saints, c. 820-830. Ivory book-cover of the Pericopes of Henry 2, early 11th century AD, Bayerische Staatsbibliotehek

Relief from Angkor Wat, 12th century. 23 3/5 ins. Musee Guimet, Paris

Bonaventura Berlinghieri, St Francis, 1235. Panel, about 152x107. San Francesco, Pescia

Giotto, Feast at Cana, Raising of lazarus, Lamentation and Noli me tangere (details of fresco decoration) c.1304-13. Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Page from the Codex Zouche-Nuttall, c.1350-1500. Bodycolour on prepared deerskin. British Museum, London

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Porta del Paradiso, 1424-52. bronze parcel -gilt, approx, 17ft high. Baptistery, Florence.

Donatello, Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 1460-66 width 140 cm. S Lorenzo, Florence

Veit Stoss: Altar of the Church of Our Lady, Cracow 1477-89

Durer: St Michael’s fight against the dragon. From the woodcut series illustrating the Revelation, published in 1498

Bosch : Paradise and Hell. Wings of a triptych. About 1510. Madrid, Prado

Michelangelo: A section of the celing of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican. Painted between 1508 and 1512

Gin Lane William Hogarth 1751

Katsushika Hokusai, page from Manga, volume 8, 1817. Woodcut, 22.8x14.6cm, British Museum, London.

Tlingit mask, mid-19th century. Carved and painted wood with shell, height 23.5cm. Musee de l’homme, Paris

Frost, A.B. "Gentleman tires of raking the garden, enlists
helper," Harper's Bazaar, October 1884

Marcel Duchamp, The bride stripped bare by her bachelors, even, 1915-23, oil and lead foil between glass 277.5x175.6cm Philadelphia Museum of Art

Frans Masereel (from the town) 1925

‘The Disasters of War, series, Goya Guernica 1937 Picasso

Vertigo by Lynd Ward 1937

Guy Bara: From’ Tom theTraveller’. 1957

George Hardie (1990?)

Jordan Crane. From ‘Keeping two, part one, 2002

James Jarvis. From World of Pain, 2000

Andrzej Klimowski. From The Depository: A Dream Book, 1994/2001

Jason. From Mjau Beibi (Meow baby), 2001

Ethan Persoff. From ‘A Dog and his Elephant’, 2003

Martin tom Dieck, La FM. part two 2003

David Shrigley. Untitled, from Leotard, 2003

Ethan Persoff.’Teddy’ 2004

Tom Gauld. Settle, 2004

Mr Clement. From ‘The Gorgeous Habour, 2004’

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

David A Berona's writings on the textless

Beronä, David. "Picture Stories: Eric Drooker and the Tradition of the Woodcut Novels." Inks 2 (1; Feb 1995): 20_23.

Beronä, David. "Silent Narratives: The Woodcut Novels of Lynd Ward." AB Bookman's Weekly 96 (2; July 10, 1995): 105_121.

Beronä, David. "A Pathfinder in Pictures: The Woodcut Novels of Lynd Ward." Antiquarian Book Monthly 23 (10; Nov 1996): 20_23.

Beronä, David. "Chronicles in Black and White: The Woodcut Novels of Masereel and Ward." Biblio 1 (2; Sep/Oct 1996): 38_41.

Beronä, David A. "Spotlight on Woodcut Novels: Pictorial Narratives: The Woodcut Novels of Lynd Ward." Comics Journal (208; November 1998): 104-108.

Beronä, David A. "Breaking Taboos: Sexuality in the Work of Will Eisner and the Early Wordless Novels." International Journal of Comic Art 1 (1; Spring/Summer 1999): 90_103.

Beronä, David A. "Discratches: Combustion: A Story Without Words by Chris Lanier." Comics Journal (219; January 2000): 24.

Beronä, David A. "Books of the Year - Underground Hit: Cave-in." Comics Journal (220; February 2000): 21-22.

Beronä, David A. "The Top 5 Lists!" Comics Journal (220; February 2000): 30.

Beronä, David A. and Chris Lanier. "Spotlight on Woodcut Novels: A Season of Silent Novels."
Comics Journal (208; November 1998): 95-103.

*Beronä, David A. " Pictures Speak in Comics without Words: Pictorial Principles in the Work of Milt Gross, Hendrik Dorgathen, Eric Drooker, and Peter Kuper" in The Language of Comics: Word and Image ed. by Robin Varnum and Christina T. Gibbons, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2002.

*Beronä, David A. "Blackbid not speaking in the dead of night" [SSHHHH! by Jason review], Comics Journal (251; March 2003): 52.

*Beronä, David A. "A silent man's unfinished declaration" [Lynd Ward's Last Unfinished Wordless Novel review], Comics Journal (251; March 2003): 48

Seminar 07/03/07

Refining my question; some possiblities...

What other forms of non verbal communication exist?

Does the requirement to draw 'naturalistically' discourage visual narrative communication in children?

Is there a representative number of textless narratives on the national curriculum?

Tutorial Critical Visual Practice 14/02/07

Task: Produce a Visual Bilbliography
Set parameters (chronological or perhaps based on imagery that I find interesting)
Add a written commentary

Underground comics

The 'language' of film. Is there a 'language' of the textless narrative?

How do we as audience know when a narrative has begun.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

search on google scholar "masereel"

Mabel Kaufman
Art Education, Vol. 36, No. 3 (May, 1983), pp. 40-46

AAT 3054240
Form, function, fiction: Text and image in the comics narratives of Winsor McCay, Art Spiegelman, and Chris Ware
Kannenberg, Eugene Paul, Jr.
Roberts, Thomas J.

AAT 9969075
Graphic interventions: Form and argument in contemporary comics
Hatfield, Charles William
Roberts, Thomas J.
DAI-A 61/04, p. 1386, Oct 2000

4) Book: The Language of Images W.J.T. Mitchell


6) (eye tracking newspaper reading)

Word & Image

ISSN: 0266-6286 Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group


9) (good to pick up for critical evaluation re own essay)

10) (photographic narratives- sequences of duane michels)


12) - going graphic: comics at work in the multilingual classroom.

13) (what is a sign? useful insight into semiotics)

14) (article - does language determine thought? Kristen Lam)

15) (visual literacy - starting with the image - visual literacy exercises- good for lecture re compositional devices)

16) (comic book mark up language - contains definitions of comics)

17) (the bond between words & image)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

the concept of 'the frame story'

A commonly used device within storytelling; interesting because of its use as a device in relation to the concept of a narrator within in story (particularly the concept of the untrustworhy narrator) and because of the name itself, frame story, and its evocation of comic strips/ graphic novels.

tutorial notes 13/12/06

Keyword: Metatext

text n
1. the main body of a book or other printed material as distinct from the introduction, index, illustrations, and headings
2. words that have been written down, typed, or printed
3. a complete written, typed, or printed version of something such as a speech or a statement
4. one among the extant forms or versions of a written work
5. a book or piece of writing that is used for academic study or discussion
6. See textbook
7. a short passage from the Bible that is read aloud and on which a sermon is based
8. the original wording of a piece of writing, especially the Bible, as opposed to a translation, summary, or revision
9. a style of type that is suitable for printing running text
10. computer data that represents words, numbers, and other typographic characters, typically stored in ASCII format

associated with or designed for use with words in written form

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Children’s picture books
Understanding through drawing
Do we lose the ability to ‘read’ drawings as our ability to read text overtakes?

Our first mark making is drawing, children draw then write (why?)

Narrative: non-narrative pictorial sequences (are all image sequences inevitably narrative because they always exits with an audience

At what point does a narrative become a story

Only 5 stories exist {check this and see what they are} (narrative conventions)

Parallel narratives

Story and plot

Complexity of narrative – losing audience –linearity – temporal nature

Rupert the Bear

Artist sketchbooks, sketchbook journal

Comics | Phonics

Birth of Language

Ritualised narrative – mantra – repetition – truth

Oral storytelling tradition, power relationship, pictorial truth, truth of images, religion

Printing – seminal point for distribution, ownership of images and text, Gutenberg

tutorial notes 29/11/06

Wane Winner’s ‘Arthouse Cinema’
‘Drawing Now’ pub. Afterimage
‘The Stages of Drawing’

Starting point for option 2-300 words (outlining area of interest)

Visual Bibliography – outcomes – review selected sources-
written summary in response to sources – write about each image

Contextualise list
Lascaux cave painting (contextualise)
Movie editing contrasted with cave painitng

Fiona Banner
Graham Gussin

Cultural narratives
Islamic art – pictorial writing
Chinese/ Japanese pictograms
Scrolls – timebased nature, unrolling in linear fashion
Text : Language – relationship

Art transcends to another plane – music empathy –
tone poems – silent movie accompaniment

Mythologies – Roland Barthes – semiotics

Single picture narrative

How to Books – Instruction sheets

The Possibilities of textless narratives (as question)
Is there such thing as a textless narrative?

Drawing as imagining – does imagining take place before,
after or during the making of a drawing
{does narrative come out of the drawing process?}

200 words as proposition for this unit: What the word ‘narrative’
means within the context of the phrase ‘textless narrative’
what I mean by narrative in relation to drawing
differences between narrative in a
single picture and a sequence

Pliny’s shadow

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Links: Visualising brain scans of people reading/looking at pictures

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

books 1

Visualisation in popular Fiction, 1860-1960: Graphic narratives, Fictional Images (Narrative Forms & Social Formations) by Stuart Sillars

Story and Space in renaissance Art: The Rebirth of Continuous Narrative by lew Andrews

Thursday, November 23, 2006

article: 'Cross the Border - Close that Gap': Towards an Intermedial Narratology

'Cross the Border - Close that Gap': Towards an Intermedial Narratology. By: Wolf, Werner. European Journal of English Studies, Apr2004, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p81-103, 23p, 1 diagram, 9bw; (AN 14734139)