Tuesday, January 02, 2007

the concept of 'the frame story'


A commonly used device within storytelling; interesting because of its use as a device in relation to the concept of a narrator within in story (particularly the concept of the untrustworhy narrator) and because of the name itself, frame story, and its evocation of comic strips/ graphic novels.

tutorial notes 13/12/06

Keyword: Metatext

text n
1. the main body of a book or other printed material as distinct from the introduction, index, illustrations, and headings
2. words that have been written down, typed, or printed
3. a complete written, typed, or printed version of something such as a speech or a statement
4. one among the extant forms or versions of a written work
5. a book or piece of writing that is used for academic study or discussion
6. See textbook
7. a short passage from the Bible that is read aloud and on which a sermon is based
8. the original wording of a piece of writing, especially the Bible, as opposed to a translation, summary, or revision
9. a style of type that is suitable for printing running text
10. computer data that represents words, numbers, and other typographic characters, typically stored in ASCII format

associated with or designed for use with words in written form

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Children’s picture books
Understanding through drawing
Do we lose the ability to ‘read’ drawings as our ability to read text overtakes?

Our first mark making is drawing, children draw then write (why?)

Narrative: non-narrative pictorial sequences (are all image sequences inevitably narrative because they always exits with an audience

At what point does a narrative become a story

Only 5 stories exist {check this and see what they are} (narrative conventions)

Parallel narratives

Story and plot

Complexity of narrative – losing audience –linearity – temporal nature

Rupert the Bear

Artist sketchbooks, sketchbook journal

Comics | Phonics

Birth of Language

Ritualised narrative – mantra – repetition – truth

Oral storytelling tradition, power relationship, pictorial truth, truth of images, religion

Printing – seminal point for distribution, ownership of images and text, Gutenberg

tutorial notes 29/11/06

Wane Winner’s ‘Arthouse Cinema’
‘Drawing Now’ pub. Afterimage
‘The Stages of Drawing’

Starting point for option 2-300 words (outlining area of interest)

Visual Bibliography – outcomes – review selected sources-
written summary in response to sources – write about each image

Contextualise list
Lascaux cave painting (contextualise)
Movie editing contrasted with cave painitng

Fiona Banner
Graham Gussin

Cultural narratives
Islamic art – pictorial writing
Chinese/ Japanese pictograms
Scrolls – timebased nature, unrolling in linear fashion
Text : Language – relationship

Art transcends to another plane – music empathy –
tone poems – silent movie accompaniment

Mythologies – Roland Barthes – semiotics

Single picture narrative

How to Books – Instruction sheets

The Possibilities of textless narratives (as question)
Is there such thing as a textless narrative?

Drawing as imagining – does imagining take place before,
after or during the making of a drawing
{does narrative come out of the drawing process?}

200 words as proposition for this unit: What the word ‘narrative’
means within the context of the phrase ‘textless narrative’
what I mean by narrative in relation to drawing
differences between narrative in a
single picture and a sequence

Pliny’s shadow